



また、2023/5/24に、現在注目が集まっている新しい専門分野のプロンプトエンジニアリング入門 - より良い回答を得るためのテクニックを知ろうのカリキュラムを追加いたしました。
















  • 「ロールプレイ」このコースでは、あなたがITスタートアップ企業で社長直属の新入社員として働くつもりで、ChatGPTを使って業務を進めていただきます。(セクション「新・ChatGPT活用の基本を習得しよう」)

  • さらに、「演習」で、ChatGPTを使いこなせるように、練習していきます。(セクション「新・ChatGPT活用の基本を習得しよう」)

  • 手を動かして体験することで、ChatGPT(生成AI)の可能性を実感しましょう!

新セクション追加「プロンプトエンジニアリング入門 - より良い回答を得るためのテクニックを知ろう」2023/5/24

コースの追加カリキュラムとして、待望の新セクション「プロンプトエンジニアリング入門 - より良い回答を得るためのテクニックを知ろう」が公開されました。






  • 本コースの内容を超えるご質問にはお答えできませんので、予めご了承ください。


  • OpenAIが提供するサービスは基本的には有料です。しかしながら、現在、Free Research Preview(研究用の無料版)を使うことでChatGPTを無料でも使いはじめられます。本コースのカリキュラムは、Free Research PreviewでもChatGPTを体験できる想定ですが、有料版と比べて、速度が遅い、エラーが発生しやすい、最新の言語モデルが使えないため回答の精度が低いといったデメリットがありますので、予めご承知おきください。

  • より本格的にChatGPTを使いたい方向けには、ChatGPT PLUS(有料版、月額20ドル)が、OpenAIより提供されています。


  • コースにご満足いただけない場合は30日以内返金保証制度があるため安心です(Udemy マーケットプレイスよりコースをご購入された場合)


  • 2023/9/2 新セクション追加「【確認テスト】コースの理解度をチェックしよう」

  • 2023/5/24 新セクション追加「プロンプトエンジニアリング入門 - より良い回答を得るためのテクニックを知ろう」

  • 2023/5/21 コースの全面リニューアル完了(セクション「新・ChatGPT活用の基本を習得しよう」追加)

  • 2023/5/9 セクションリニューアル「コースイントロダクション」

  • 2023/3/15 新規セクション追加「ChatGPTで調べ物をしよう」

  • 2023/3/2 新規コース公開





また、2023/5/24に、現在注目が集まっている新しい専門分野のプロンプトエンジニアリング入門 - より良い回答を得るためのテクニックを知ろうのカリキュラムを追加いたしました。
















  • 「ロールプレイ」このコースでは、あなたがITスタートアップ企業で社長直属の新入社員として働くつもりで、ChatGPTを使って業務を進めていただきます。(セクション「新・ChatGPT活用の基本を習得しよう」)

  • さらに、「演習」で、ChatGPTを使いこなせるように、練習していきます。(セクション「新・ChatGPT活用の基本を習得しよう」)

  • 手を動かして体験することで、ChatGPT(生成AI)の可能性を実感しましょう!

新セクション追加「プロンプトエンジニアリング入門 - より良い回答を得るためのテクニックを知ろう」2023/5/24

コースの追加カリキュラムとして、待望の新セクション「プロンプトエンジニアリング入門 - より良い回答を得るためのテクニックを知ろう」が公開されました。






  • 本コースの内容を超えるご質問にはお答えできませんので、予めご了承ください。


  • OpenAIが提供するサービスは基本的には有料です。しかしながら、現在、Free Research Preview(研究用の無料版)を使うことでChatGPTを無料でも使いはじめられます。本コースのカリキュラムは、Free Research PreviewでもChatGPTを体験できる想定ですが、有料版と比べて、速度が遅い、エラーが発生しやすい、最新の言語モデルが使えないため回答の精度が低いといったデメリットがありますので、予めご承知おきください。

  • より本格的にChatGPTを使いたい方向けには、ChatGPT PLUS(有料版、月額20ドル)が、OpenAIより提供されています。


  • コースにご満足いただけない場合は30日以内返金保証制度があるため安心です(Udemy マーケットプレイスよりコースをご購入された場合)


  • 2023/9/2 新セクション追加「【確認テスト】コースの理解度をチェックしよう」

  • 2023/5/24 新セクション追加「プロンプトエンジニアリング入門 - より良い回答を得るためのテクニックを知ろう」

  • 2023/5/21 コースの全面リニューアル完了(セクション「新・ChatGPT活用の基本を習得しよう」追加)

  • 2023/5/9 セクションリニューアル「コースイントロダクション」

  • 2023/3/15 新規セクション追加「ChatGPTで調べ物をしよう」

  • 2023/3/2 新規コース公開


Join the "DESIGN THINKING TOOL BOX". This course is ideal for you if you already have some basic knowledge of Design Thinking and would like to deepen, supplement or refresh your methodical knowledge.

If you are completely new to the topic, I recommend that you first do my "DESIGN THINKING CRASH COURSE" (also on Udemy) and then this advanced course

Spend around 4,5 hours to get your certificate*:

  • 3.5 hrs of video content to watch

  • approx. 55 min to complete the course assignments

  • approx. 5 min to complete the final test (quiz to test your knowledge)

What can you do after the course?

Solving challenges with Design Thinking, leading Design Thinking processes and facilitating Design Thinking workshops. After this course you will be well versed in design thinking processes. You can apply design thinking to challenges and also teach others. You are able to put together the appropriate methods for a design thinking process.

What are you getting?

You will receive complete step-by-step instructions on how to use Design Thinking to solve challenges in the areas of product, service, business, organizational and corporate strategy in a creative and agile way. You will get a variety of tried-and-tested methods and templates with which you can carry out a design thinking process independently and facilitate design thinking workshops. As with the Design Thinking crash course (also on Udemy), you can again work on your challenge in parallel (an option, not a must). The main focus of this course is to expand your methodological skills.

The course includes:

  • 3,5 hrs of video content with a focus on design thinking methods

  • A downloadable course handout (pdf)

  • 50+ relevant methods in the context of design thinking

  • 25+ downloadable and reusable design thinking templates (pdf and ppt) - for working on a challenge at home, in your company or in a workshop - as a workbook and for use in workshops (I give you my permission for further use)

  • NEW: Brainstorming with Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Experiment with ChatGPT and other AI Tools

  • Numerous examples from Design Thinking projects in practice

  • My best practices for facilitating design thinking workshops

  • 2 live design thinking interview examples (one good example, one bad)

  • Classification of design thinking in an agile strategy context (Stacey Matrix, BMC, Lean Canvas, agile project management)

  • Demonstration of prototypes examples from my consulting practice

  • Short tutorials and tool tips:

    • NEW: ChatGPT and ai.boardofinnovation (brainstorming experimente)

    • Balsamiq (wireframing)

    • Figma (mockups)

    • Bubble (no-code tool for advanced digital prototypes and minimum viable products (MVP))

    • Sketch Noting (visualization technique)

The course covers 50+ relevant methods in the context of Design Thinking:

Statement starters, abstraction laddering, problem tree analysis, stakeholder mapping, market research, surveys, interviews, customer/stakeholder journey mapping, empathy map, personas, job to be done, silent brainstorming, brainwriting/brainwalking, association through images, evocative word method, brand Takeover, Plus 5, Crazy 8, Reverse Brainstorming, Hot Potato, Disney Method, 6 Hats, 3-6-5 Method, Swarm Design, New: Brainstorming with artificial intelligence (AI), Voting, Affinity Clustering, Bulls-Eye Chart, Idea Filter, Now-Wow-How, Impact -Effect, Paper Prototyping, Concept Poster, Storyboard, Moodboard, Gaddie Pitch, Scenario Game, Rapid Prototyping, Lego Prototyping, Wireframing, Mockups, Pretotyping, Minimum Viable Product, Testing by Observation, Testing by Questioning, Guerrilla Testing, Test Aloud, Timeboxing , Sketchnoting, Kanban, Business Model Canvas, Lean Canvas

Download the following 25+ reusable worksheets included (as ppt and pdf):

  • How-might-we (HMW) template

  • Abstraction laddering template

  • Problem tree analysis template

  • Stakeholder mapping template

  • Market analysis with questions cheat sheet

  • Interview template

  • Customer journey map template

  • Empathy map

  • Job-to-be-done template

  • Persona template

  • Template for brainstorming by association (pdf only)

  • Plus 5 templates

  • Crazy 8 templates

  • Disney template

  • 6 thinking hats template

  • 6-3-5 templates

  • Idea filter template

  • Impact-effort-matrix

  • Now-wow-how Matrix

  • Storyboard template

  • Concept poster

  • Gaddie pitch template

  • Pretotyping cheat sheet (pdf only)

  • Feedback template

  • Business model canvas (BMC) template

  • Lean canvas template

* Upon explicit request, you will receive a certificate of participation from Responsive Strategy for this course.

Why should you buy the course from me?

I'm Julia Lettinger, the founder of Responsive Strategy, a strategy and digital transformation consultancy in Berlin. I've been using Design Thinking for my customers for many years and I'm a big fan. That's why I've been teaching Design Thinking since 2017 through the Design Thinking & Agile Crash Courses Meetup Group I founded in Berlin, as a lecturer in Strategic Management at the HWR Berlin and on Udemy. In addition, I have been a Design Thinking Facilitator at the Silicon Valley Design Thinking Club and the LISA LEAD Startup Incubator at Stanford University since 2021, and I head the Berlin chapter of the international Design Thinking Association.

Go ahead and get the course, I look forward to welcoming you to my videos.



PS: If you don't like the course, you can get a refund within 30 days, of course! So just try it.


Join the "DESIGN THINKING TOOL BOX". This course is ideal for you if you already have some basic knowledge of Design Thinking and would like to deepen, supplement or refresh your methodical knowledge.

If you are completely new to the topic, I recommend that you first do my "DESIGN THINKING CRASH COURSE" (also on Udemy) and then this advanced course

Spend around 4,5 hours to get your certificate*:

  • 3.5 hrs of video content to watch

  • approx. 55 min to complete the course assignments

  • approx. 5 min to complete the final test (quiz to test your knowledge)

What can you do after the course?

Solving challenges with Design Thinking, leading Design Thinking processes and facilitating Design Thinking workshops. After this course you will be well versed in design thinking processes. You can apply design thinking to challenges and also teach others. You are able to put together the appropriate methods for a design thinking process.

What are you getting?

You will receive complete step-by-step instructions on how to use Design Thinking to solve challenges in the areas of product, service, business, organizational and corporate strategy in a creative and agile way. You will get a variety of tried-and-tested methods and templates with which you can carry out a design thinking process independently and facilitate design thinking workshops. As with the Design Thinking crash course (also on Udemy), you can again work on your challenge in parallel (an option, not a must). The main focus of this course is to expand your methodological skills.

The course includes:

  • 3,5 hrs of video content with a focus on design thinking methods

  • A downloadable course handout (pdf)

  • 50+ relevant methods in the context of design thinking

  • 25+ downloadable and reusable design thinking templates (pdf and ppt) - for working on a challenge at home, in your company or in a workshop - as a workbook and for use in workshops (I give you my permission for further use)

  • NEW: Brainstorming with Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Experiment with ChatGPT and other AI Tools

  • Numerous examples from Design Thinking projects in practice

  • My best practices for facilitating design thinking workshops

  • 2 live design thinking interview examples (one good example, one bad)

  • Classification of design thinking in an agile strategy context (Stacey Matrix, BMC, Lean Canvas, agile project management)

  • Demonstration of prototypes examples from my consulting practice

  • Short tutorials and tool tips:

    • NEW: ChatGPT and ai.boardofinnovation (brainstorming experimente)

    • Balsamiq (wireframing)

    • Figma (mockups)

    • Bubble (no-code tool for advanced digital prototypes and minimum viable products (MVP))

    • Sketch Noting (visualization technique)

The course covers 50+ relevant methods in the context of Design Thinking:

Statement starters, abstraction laddering, problem tree analysis, stakeholder mapping, market research, surveys, interviews, customer/stakeholder journey mapping, empathy map, personas, job to be done, silent brainstorming, brainwriting/brainwalking, association through images, evocative word method, brand Takeover, Plus 5, Crazy 8, Reverse Brainstorming, Hot Potato, Disney Method, 6 Hats, 3-6-5 Method, Swarm Design, New: Brainstorming with artificial intelligence (AI), Voting, Affinity Clustering, Bulls-Eye Chart, Idea Filter, Now-Wow-How, Impact -Effect, Paper Prototyping, Concept Poster, Storyboard, Moodboard, Gaddie Pitch, Scenario Game, Rapid Prototyping, Lego Prototyping, Wireframing, Mockups, Pretotyping, Minimum Viable Product, Testing by Observation, Testing by Questioning, Guerrilla Testing, Test Aloud, Timeboxing , Sketchnoting, Kanban, Business Model Canvas, Lean Canvas

Download the following 25+ reusable worksheets included (as ppt and pdf):

  • How-might-we (HMW) template

  • Abstraction laddering template

  • Problem tree analysis template

  • Stakeholder mapping template

  • Market analysis with questions cheat sheet

  • Interview template

  • Customer journey map template

  • Empathy map

  • Job-to-be-done template

  • Persona template

  • Template for brainstorming by association (pdf only)

  • Plus 5 templates

  • Crazy 8 templates

  • Disney template

  • 6 thinking hats template

  • 6-3-5 templates

  • Idea filter template

  • Impact-effort-matrix

  • Now-wow-how Matrix

  • Storyboard template

  • Concept poster

  • Gaddie pitch template

  • Pretotyping cheat sheet (pdf only)

  • Feedback template

  • Business model canvas (BMC) template

  • Lean canvas template

* Upon explicit request, you will receive a certificate of participation from Responsive Strategy for this course.

Why should you buy the course from me?

I'm Julia Lettinger, the founder of Responsive Strategy, a strategy and digital transformation consultancy in Berlin. I've been using Design Thinking for my customers for many years and I'm a big fan. That's why I've been teaching Design Thinking since 2017 through the Design Thinking & Agile Crash Courses Meetup Group I founded in Berlin, as a lecturer in Strategic Management at the HWR Berlin and on Udemy. In addition, I have been a Design Thinking Facilitator at the Silicon Valley Design Thinking Club and the LISA LEAD Startup Incubator at Stanford University since 2021, and I head the Berlin chapter of the international Design Thinking Association.

Go ahead and get the course, I look forward to welcoming you to my videos.



PS: If you don't like the course, you can get a refund within 30 days, of course! So just try it.


This course is intended for managers, product owners, and business analysts, without any prior technical expertise, willing to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in real business applications.

The main goal is to enable you to identify and suggest business opportunities applying AI/ML.

In this course, you will go through:

  • Key aspects of AI/ML

This will be done in a light format, intended for non-technical people.

There are NO math/programming/statistics/technical background requirements.

With this knowledge, you will be able to better understand the inner workings of AI, its purpose, and the circumstances in which it is best suited.

  • Business case discovery

In this module, the requirements and objectives of an AI model will be covered, alongside examples and a guideline.

This knowledge will guide you in identifying cases where AI can be leveraged to create value.

  • Project roadmap creation

AI/ML projects involve a very specific staged development with unique steps that make up the process. Those are both cyclical and incremental, due to the trial-and-error nature of the project.

Those unique characteristics demand a more specific analysis than standard software development, with several factors to consider, both technical and business-related.

Factoring into the planning those components protect the project against disruptions, unexpected hurdles, challenges, and potential failure.

  • Project management

In this module major stages, steps, and considerations are covered.

Learning the most important aspects of an AI project, and how its development is done is crucial.


In this course, you are not intended to learn how to create a model or any other technical data-related task.

Please check Udemy Terms of Use for refund policy and other related subjects.


This course is intended for managers, product owners, and business analysts, without any prior technical expertise, willing to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in real business applications.

The main goal is to enable you to identify and suggest business opportunities applying AI/ML.

In this course, you will go through:

  • Key aspects of AI/ML

This will be done in a light format, intended for non-technical people.

There are NO math/programming/statistics/technical background requirements.

With this knowledge, you will be able to better understand the inner workings of AI, its purpose, and the circumstances in which it is best suited.

  • Business case discovery

In this module, the requirements and objectives of an AI model will be covered, alongside examples and a guideline.

This knowledge will guide you in identifying cases where AI can be leveraged to create value.

  • Project roadmap creation

AI/ML projects involve a very specific staged development with unique steps that make up the process. Those are both cyclical and incremental, due to the trial-and-error nature of the project.

Those unique characteristics demand a more specific analysis than standard software development, with several factors to consider, both technical and business-related.

Factoring into the planning those components protect the project against disruptions, unexpected hurdles, challenges, and potential failure.

  • Project management

In this module major stages, steps, and considerations are covered.

Learning the most important aspects of an AI project, and how its development is done is crucial.


In this course, you are not intended to learn how to create a model or any other technical data-related task.

Please check Udemy Terms of Use for refund policy and other related subjects.